
To see how we got from the raw electrochemical scans to the datasets used here, please see the following notebooks:

This supplemental figure and notebook underlies some of the data in main figure 6, particularly the final panel. Specifically the model coefficients for \(D_{loss}\). These data are saved as .csv files in the directory containing this notebook.

Setup packages and plotting for the notebook:

Fig. S7A

Now let’s plot the SWV peak current decays for the blank IDA. This data comes from the blank IDA processing notebook.

Now we will fit each of these decays. We will go ahead and save these coefficients as a csv, so that we can use them to calculate Dphys values in main figure 6.

PHZadded term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
25uM b 2.5820e-07 6.40e-09 40.21524 0 2.4530e-07 2.7110e-07
50uM b 6.8810e-07 1.72e-08 39.94904 0 6.5350e-07 7.2280e-07
75uM b 7.1070e-07 1.29e-08 54.90900 0 6.8470e-07 7.3670e-07
100uM b 1.2004e-06 3.57e-08 33.60837 0 1.1286e-06 1.2722e-06
25uM a 5.7510e-07 5.50e-09 105.50380 0 5.6410e-07 5.8600e-07
50uM a 4.6600e-07 1.45e-08 32.10654 0 4.3690e-07 4.9520e-07
75uM a 5.1180e-07 1.10e-08 46.57613 0 4.8970e-07 5.3390e-07
100uM a 3.0720e-07 3.02e-08 10.18376 0 2.4660e-07 3.6790e-07

Now we are going to take those coefficient estimates and predict datapoints that those values would generate at 1000 timepoints in the window our data is in. Essentially, we are going to generate the best fit line from those parameters and the 95% confidence interval so that we can plot it with the original datapoints.

reactor PHZadded time pred pred_high pred_low estimate_b conf.low_b conf.high_b estimate_a conf.low_a conf.high_a
transfer 25uM 0.0500000 1.7e-06 1.8e-06 1.7e-06 3e-07 2e-07 3e-07 6e-07 6e-07 6e-07
transfer 25uM 0.0571238 1.7e-06 1.7e-06 1.6e-06 3e-07 2e-07 3e-07 6e-07 6e-07 6e-07
transfer 25uM 0.0642476 1.6e-06 1.7e-06 1.5e-06 3e-07 2e-07 3e-07 6e-07 6e-07 6e-07
transfer 25uM 0.0713714 1.5e-06 1.6e-06 1.5e-06 3e-07 2e-07 3e-07 6e-07 6e-07 6e-07
transfer 25uM 0.0784952 1.5e-06 1.6e-06 1.4e-06 3e-07 2e-07 3e-07 6e-07 6e-07 6e-07
transfer 25uM 0.0856190 1.5e-06 1.5e-06 1.4e-06 3e-07 2e-07 3e-07 6e-07 6e-07 6e-07

Now they we have those predictions we can plot everything together:

Fig. S7B

First let’s read in the data, which are the peak SWV current signals over time from the ∆phz* biofilms:

Now we will fit each of these decays with the expression:

\[y = b (x)^{-0.5} + a\]

We will fit using a nonlinear least squares method, the nls() function. Here you can see the model coefficient estimates and confidence intervals for each data set. We will go ahead and save these coefficients as a csv, so that we can use them to calculate \(D_{phys}\) values in main figure 6.

exp run term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
1 1 b 2.8459e-06 3.730e-08 76.37392 0.0000e+00 2.7660e-06 2.9259e-06
1 2 b 1.8397e-06 3.440e-08 53.54277 0.0000e+00 1.7660e-06 1.9134e-06
1 3 b 2.0603e-06 3.320e-08 62.03742 0.0000e+00 1.9891e-06 2.1316e-06
2 1 b 2.1195e-06 1.800e-08 117.66825 0.0000e+00 2.0808e-06 2.1581e-06
2 2 b 4.3024e-06 1.032e-07 41.68772 0.0000e+00 4.0810e-06 4.5238e-06
2 3 b 2.2664e-06 3.250e-08 69.81429 0.0000e+00 2.1968e-06 2.3360e-06
1 1 a -3.8110e-07 1.640e-08 -23.30704 0.0000e+00 -4.1620e-07 -3.4600e-07
1 2 a -2.3510e-07 1.510e-08 -15.58687 3.0000e-10 -2.6750e-07 -2.0280e-07
1 3 a -2.0100e-07 1.460e-08 -13.76958 1.6000e-09 -2.3230e-07 -1.6970e-07
2 1 a -8.3000e-08 7.900e-09 -10.51260 5.0100e-08 -9.9900e-08 -6.6100e-08
2 2 a -5.9640e-07 4.500e-08 -13.24111 2.6000e-09 -6.9300e-07 -4.9980e-07
2 3 a 7.8100e-08 1.420e-08 5.48665 8.0121e-05 4.7600e-08 1.0860e-07

Now we are going to take those coefficient estimates and predict datapoints that those values would generate at 1000 timepoints in the window our data is in. Essentially, we are going to generate the best fit line from those parameters and the 95% confidence interval so that we can plot it with the original datapoints.

exp_id reactor exp run time pred pred_high pred_low estimate_b conf.low_b conf.high_b estimate_a conf.low_a conf.high_a
Biofilm 2 transfer 1 1 0.4000000 4.1187e-06 4.2801e-06 3.9573e-06 2.8459e-06 2.766e-06 2.9259e-06 -3.811e-07 -4.162e-07 -3.46e-07
Biofilm 2 transfer 1 1 0.4429596 3.8949e-06 4.0501e-06 3.7398e-06 2.8459e-06 2.766e-06 2.9259e-06 -3.811e-07 -4.162e-07 -3.46e-07
Biofilm 2 transfer 1 1 0.4859193 3.7015e-06 3.8513e-06 3.5518e-06 2.8459e-06 2.766e-06 2.9259e-06 -3.811e-07 -4.162e-07 -3.46e-07
Biofilm 2 transfer 1 1 0.5288789 3.5322e-06 3.6772e-06 3.3872e-06 2.8459e-06 2.766e-06 2.9259e-06 -3.811e-07 -4.162e-07 -3.46e-07
Biofilm 2 transfer 1 1 0.5718385 3.3824e-06 3.5231e-06 3.2416e-06 2.8459e-06 2.766e-06 2.9259e-06 -3.811e-07 -4.162e-07 -3.46e-07
Biofilm 2 transfer 1 1 0.6147981 3.2485e-06 3.3855e-06 3.1115e-06 2.8459e-06 2.766e-06 2.9259e-06 -3.811e-07 -4.162e-07 -3.46e-07

Now they we have those predictions we can plot everything together:

Create figure

## R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11)
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